can news

The launch of CaNeBuZo, Lincolnshire’s first carbon neutral business zone, was a great success on Friday 12 September. Ecobrand worked with Lincolnshire County Council to deliver a truly memorable occasion. The ribbon was cut by Councillor Bill Aron, Chairman of the Council.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere followed a welcoming address by Cllr Colin Davie, Executive Member for Economic Development.

Cllr Davie said:

“In terms of sustainable development, this project really is leading the way at a national level, showing people around the country just what this new technology can achieve. The units have been designed to be as green as possible, which is not only good for the environment, but good for businesses.”

Ecobrand invited Martin Kiszko to perform some poems from his books, Green Poems for a Blue Planet and Verse for the Earth, which are illustrated by his friend Nick Park, creator and illustrator of Wallace and Gromit. Martin also recited a specially commissioned poem about CaNeBuZo.

Ecobrand also arranged  exhibitions by suppliers Lafarge and Nissan who displayed their new electric Van and their award-winning Nissan Leaf, to show how it’s possible to not only work in a zero-carbon building but also travel to work without any dependence on carbon fuels.

The day finished with a performance of poetry to a group of local primary school children. They had all entered a poster competition about energy saving.

The launch was a great success with Local Government News, Local Government Association, National and Local press reporting the event.